Welcome to Southern Oak

Southern Oak is happy to let you know that your homeowners insurance policy was selected as a good fit for our private-market homeowners insurance, and we would like to “assume” your policy from Citizens Property Insurance Company through their Depopulation program.

Why should you choose Southern Oak as your new homeowners insurance carrier?

Broader Coverage & More Options to Protect Your Assets

We offer coverage enhancements that aren’t always available through Citizens, protecting your property more adequately with our base coverage and opening up new coverage add-ons to protect your assets.  Eligible policies can even add FLOOD coverage directly to your policy, meaning you only have to manage one policy and claims team for your property.  

Outstanding Claims Service

We are historically ahead of the industry timeline in handling claims and have an excellent reputation for our claims service levels. We partner with preferred claims vendors that are dispatched for you by our team as soon as damage is reported, streamlining the process. Our claims reps are with you every step of the way.

Financial Stability

Southern Oak has been protecting Floridians for over 20 years, weathering storm after storm with a strong financial record. Our fiscal responsibility and meticulous risk management mean you can trust us to be there when you need us most.

Maintain Your Current Agency

The good news is that your agent already works with Southern Oak and will remain your agent, should you accept the offer to move your policy to our company.  They are familiar with the depopulation process and Southern Oak’s offerings.

Get to Know Southern Oak

Southern Oak Insurance is a Florida-based insurance company specializing in personal residential property coverage. It is a privately held company wholly owned and operated by Florida residents based right here in Florida. The core strength of Southern Oak is its knowledge and understanding of the Florida Property Insurance Market with members of its executive team having over 100 years of insurance experience.

Southern Oak Depopulation: Frequently Asked Questions

Policyholder FAQs

What do the terms "Depopulation" "Assumption" and "Take Out" mean?

These terms are interchangeable. The Florida Legislature authorized Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (Citizens) to develop a depopulation program to reduce the number of its insured properties and exposure. Under the program, created by section 627.351(6) , F. S., new and existing insurance companies are encouraged to assume policies currently covered by Citizens. In this way, Citizens can transfer policies back to the private insurance market.

This Depopulation program benefits all Floridians by preventing or reducing assessments charged to all property insurance consumers. Florida’s insurance market becomes healthier as private companies offer coverage for our state’s growing number of residents.

What is an "Assumption"?

An assumption happens when a Citizens insurance policy is transferred to or assumed by a private insurance company, such as Southern Oak, through a process reviewed and approved by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation.

Who approves takeout companies, and what are the criteria?

Florida’s Office of Insurance Regulation reviews insurance carriers based on an application process and thorough financial review. A consent order is then given to the carrier listing the terms of the assumption and how many policies may be assumed.

Does Southern Oak only participate in Take Outs, or does Southern Oak also write business outside of the Takeout program?

Southern Oak writes direct business outside of the Take Out program. If you are interested in changing from a limited appointment (for only Take Outs) to a full appointment (to also write voluntary business), please check our Southern Oak Agent Appointment Information site (www.southernoak.com/become-an-agent) to submit a request for a voluntary appointment. Once your request is submitted and reviewed, you will be contacted by a territory manager or Agency Services regarding your eligibility for a voluntary appointment.

Can Southern Oak assume a policy and then cancel or nonrenew it for underwriting reasons?

Southern Oak has agreed to renew policies for up to three (3) years after the date of assumption, unless such policies violate an underwriting rule of the company other than reduction of hurricane exposure. Policies are selected based on criteria provided by Citizens; if the actual property is found to differ from the criteria provided or if a substantial change in risk has occurred. Southern Oak will communicate to the policyholder and agency regarding any action to be taken.

Does Southern Oak have to offer premium rates at or below Citizens' rates?

No. Southern Oak will offer premiums at rates approved by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation.  The notification package mailed by Citizens shows Southern Oak’s estimated renewal premium and also shows the Citizens’ estimated renewal premium.

Who handles the servicing of assumed policies?

All assumed policies are serviced by Citizens until the policy expiration date.  Therefore, all premium payments, underwriting issues, and changes to the policy should be directed to Citizens as usual.

If the policyholder has a claim, who do they contact to file the claim?

Southern Oak is responsible for any claims that occur on or after the assumption date. Southern Oak’s claims department can be reached at 1-877-900-2280.

For claims which occur prior to the assumption date, Citizens will continue to process the claim as usual.

What is Southern Oak's contact information?

Customer Service: 877-900-3971

Claims: 877-900-2280

Agent FAQs

Where can I find information on Southern Oak to give to my policyholders?

Our website, www.southernoak.com, includes information about our history and financial strength, including our Financial Stability Rating (FSR®), reinsurance and extensive experience in the industry.

We also have a policyholder portal (www.MySouthernOak.com) that allows policyholders to make their own online payments, view policy documents and choose to receive electronic output. This saves time for both you and your consumers.

Brochures and other marketing materials for your office can be ordered by contacting Agency Services at 904-353-4000 x 2234.

How can I explain the policy difference to my policyholders?

Southern Oak’s website provides a coverage comparison, which outlines the coverages and endorsement options available with Southern Oak. This is a line-by-line comparison of Southern Oak versus the Citizens policies and is also mailed to the policyholder in the offer package.

What are the notices and timeframes in the assumption process?

Approximately 75 Days prior to the Assumption Date

Southern Oak must receive approval from the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation to participate in the assumption. The evaluation process includes a thorough financial review completed by the Office of Insurance Regulation. Approval is received via Consent Order.

Approximately 55 Days prior to the Assumption Date

Southern Oak submits Selection File to Citizens. Policies are selected based on Southern Oak’s business plan and underwriting requirements.  Southern Oak only selects policies on which there is an agency contract in place with the agency shown in Citizens’ policy records.

Approximately 45 Days prior to the Assumption Date

Citizens emails each Agency Principal a .csv file that lists each policy that has been selected for depopulation by an insurer. The list will provide valuable information such as the policy number, insured’s name, the Citizens estimated renewal premium, the private insurer with corresponding premium estimate, and whether the policy remains eligible for Citizens (can opt out) or is now ineligible (received an offer within 20% of the Citizens renewal premium).

Citizens mails notification package to each policyholder containing offer(s) and coverage comparisons. An Opt-out form will only be included if no offer made to the policyholder is within 20% of the Citizens estimated renewal premium.

Assumption Date

Citizens processes the policies through their PolicyCenter system. Eligible policies are tagged in their system. The tag provides Southern Oak’s name, contact phone numbers, and the assumption date.

Policies in Cancel status, Pending Cancel status, or Pending NonRenewal status are no longer eligible for assumption, and are not tagged.

Citizens mails the Notice of NonRenewal and Certificate of Assumption to the policyholder.

Citizens emails a listing to each Agency of the successfully assumed policies.

Some of my policyholders have semi-annual or quarterly payment plans. If their policies are assumed, how will their payment plans be affected?

Southern Oak offers several payment options (Full Pay, 2-Pay, 4-Pay, and 8-Pay plans) that are all payable by credit/debit card or by check.  Online payments are available via the agent portal or policyholder portal (www.mysouthernoak.com) using a credit or debit card.

Are You Ready to Join the Southern Oak Family?

Click the link below to officially accept our offer and renew your Citizens policy through
Southern Oak Insurance Company.

Accept Our Coverage Offer
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